Thursday, January 15, 2009

I was born and raised in Cork,Sothern Ireland. An Ursuline girl,educated by the nuns,what more needs to be said there?! Irish,English,Maths,Physics,chemistry were a must but so too were home economics...What an archaic name but oh so neccessary !
At the age of 9,I won the Cork Gas Cooking Competition,making a Pineapple Upside Down Cake...very tropical for Ireland !!!! And so began my love of baking...Going to City Hall and receiving my prize from the Lord Mayor of Cork was the pinnacle for my 9th year of life.
You see,I still cherish that memory .

I loved to eat and frankly still do ! what a gift good food is. My mum made homemade brown bread and marmalade. She even went so far as to send us out in wellington boots every September with a large bucket to gather blackberries. We ate copious amounts of jam and blackberry crumble. mmmmmm

Sounds so romantic,but it rained a lot in we sludged through fields,fell into brambles,turned our fingers purple and ate half before we made it home. Oh but those really were fun days. So thanks to my mums slave labor laws,so began my love of food....Thanks Mum..